CCDF-USA Faith Division Review

The founding fathers of our nation clearly understood that the people of any great society must have internal moral values for that society to succeed. John Adams stated, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  The use of “religion” in Adams’ statement clarified that it is not just any morals that are needed, but specifically biblical moral values since they are from our Creator, universal in their application, and served to frame the foundation of our nation. 

The CCDF-USA Faith Division was formed with the purpose of inspiring people of faith to live out their biblical values as American citizens. First, by educating them on the need and roles of biblical values in their communities. Second, by enabling them to actively influence their communities as salt and light, so that Godly moral values will once again serve as the foundation of their local government and marketplace. In turn, we believe without God’s values in our nation, our current challenges will not be fixed. CCDF-USA has broken our Faith Division into three branches. Education on biblical citizenship for all, education and equipping church pastors and leaders to take a stand, and establishment of Moral Compass (Christian) Coalitions across multiple regions.  

2022 is the start-up year for the Faith Division. The items below represent some of the actions and accomplishments we have seen so far in 2022: 

  • Establishing partnerships with faith-based organizations. At CCDF-USA Faith, we know partnerships are critical to executing our strategy. We have established partnerships with All Pro Pastors Intl (APPI), Patriot Academy, Liberty Pastors, United Pastors of America, Turning Point Faith, and other faith-based organizations that actively work with CCDF-USA Faith to educate and enable citizens and church leaders to action. 


  • Serving as an action arm to our strategy at the local level. We are working continually with every CCDF-USA county to help them establish a volunteer faith leader within their team, and to provide them with the individual training and support needed for their county’s faith operations. 


  • Initiating Biblical Citizenship training classes through Patriot Academy across multiple locations in Florida and Texas. The courses are being taught in homes and in churches and we provide each “Coach” that teaches the course guidance and instructional materials at a 50% discount. We teach the course nationally as well. We have a growing number of graduates who now are engaged with CCDF-USA, school boards, and other municipal functions after being inspired by the course. 


  • Beginning development and support of “Moral Compass Coalitions” across Florida, Texas, and Georgia. We have established our strategy, coordinated actions with our mission partners, and identified legal support for incorporation of church leader groups that want to make a united stand to influence their communities and local governments toward upholding moral values. For example, we are working with a new coalition in Brevard County and establishing legal support to incorporate this organization. 


  • Promoting the Liberty Pastors training conference to pastors and church leaders as the venue to take them to a greater level of “patriot engagement” in their church community. Although not necessarily from our efforts, Liberty Pastors has noted a significant increase in their course participation over the last few months. 


  • Taking every opportunity to personally meet with church leaders to share our strategy and invite churches to become engaged in liberty as Salt and Light. 


  • Sponsoring faith-based events to promote CCDF-USA. This year we have sponsored three major events in central Florida. 


  • Spreading our message and inspiring action through motivational speeches at public faith events, podcasts, and radio shows across the state of Florida. Requested speaker at All Pro Pastors events, 50-Day Fight events, Freedom Law School events, church events and special functions. We will be speaking at the upcoming Florida Leaders Prayer Breakfast with Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody and Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA. 


  • Publishing our Biblical Citizen action list, giving citizens and pastors simple ways to get involved. 


  • Producing CCDF-USA-Faith informational brochures that can be used to easily communicate our mission and contact information 


  • Publishing educational videos on faith and freedoms topics.  

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